Monday, December 30, 2019

The Issue Of Immigration Is The United States For Many...

In one of his recent presidential candidate speeches, Donald Trump addresses immigration and his views on the matter. After hearing him address this very controversial topic I became very interested. Immigration has been a major issue in the United States for many years and it comes with its own set of positive and negative consequences. Many people hold different stances on whether or not illegal immigration is actually an issue or not. In his speech, Donald Trump bluntly lets America know how he feels about it and what he plans to do to stop it. The question stands on whether or not it is okay for people to come to America in hopes of a better life even if it is done illegally. Do these people that come into our country illegally really have that big of a toll on America? Donald John Trump was born on June 14th, 1946, in the Queens of New York. Donald is one out of five children; Trump is the second oldest. Due to his energy and assertiveness was thirteen when he was sent to the New York Military Academy School. His parents were hoping to guide his liveliness to a constructive perception. Trump is representing as a republican candidate; Trump has switched political party affiliations at least five times since the late 80s. Donald Trump is a real estate entrepreneur and billionaire. He is the owner of Trump Plaza in Manhattan, New York and he is the host of the NBC reality series, The Celebrity Apprentice. Trump attended Fordham University for two years beforeShow MoreRelatedThe Immigration s Political Policy1186 Words   |  5 PagesGovernment Politics A. Y. Zohny, LL. M., Ph.D. Coppin State University 1/00/2016 The Immigration’s Political Policies have gone through great political changes since the turn of the 20th century for many countries. 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We may not see it on the news everyday but we are surrounded by the discussion at home, in school, around friends, and even co-workers. Policy Overview Obama’s policy which goes by the name of the Common Sense Proposal, is tackling the ongoing issue of immigration in AmericaRead MoreDeportation Of The United States Essay1527 Words   |  7 PagesDeportation in the United States Immigration has and still a dilemma for the United States. Immigration has shaped the United States as a nation since the first newcomers arrived over 400 years ago. Immigrants contribute deeply to many of the economic, social, and political processes that are foundational to the United States as a nation. Millions of immigrants are deported every year. The ethnicity of immigrants living in the United States come from all around. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Lit Review - 1303 Words

Literature paper 2/27/14 A Simple Heart Trying to figure out how Flaubert wanted readers to view religion in his short story â€Å"A Simple Heart† is challenging at times. Felicite has been misunderstood by many regarding her representation of religion. Her innocence is not to be look at as a burden, it allows her to share a good relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit had been reduced to taxidermy as it portrayed as Felicite’s per parrot Loulou. Felicite’s spiritual world had been reduced to something not permanent made the story difficult to evaluate the seriousness in regards to religion. After reevaluating the role Loulou played on Felicite’s life. â€Å"A Simple Heart† becomes a spiritual journey. With an open†¦show more content†¦Felicite was completely unaware of what a great gift she truly had with her faith. Even the toughest times with Mme. Aubain slandering Felicite’s family, she disregards it as a mother who misses her own child. One of the most memorable instances of Felicite’s forgiving nature is when she asks for Fabu on her deathbed, the butcher who was suspected of poisoning Loulou. Felicite wished to remove all ill feelings towards him to cleanse her soul: â€Å"Forgive me, she said, making an effort to stretch out her arm. I thought it was you who had killed him† (1844). It was Felicite’s faith that gave her the capability to forgive the man who took her greatest treasure. Her religion gave her the ability to focus on a person only to benefit them not herself. In the end, Felicite comes full circle in regards to her religion. Loulou was not instant connection to the Holy Spirit. [The meaning of this sentence is unclear. Are you the writer of this paper stating this contrary to the information from the rest of your paper, or is this the do ubt Felicite feels at this point in the story? Make sure your language is clear so that your reader can follow effectively.] At one point Felicite thinks about the Holy Spirit while viewing the stained glass window siting at church (1841). She hears stories about doves at church, which sparks her interest in Loulou. The parrotShow MoreRelatedLit Review1861 Words   |  8 Pagesalways found its way into the next great technological advancement, and now is no exception. The sudden burst of social media websites onto the scene has created an avenue for business to target specific and large amounts of people. This literature review will discuss just how companies have altered their marketing ways to keep up with the times in an every growing industry where the competition level is set exceedingly high. It will then narrow down to how different marketing techniques can play asRead MoreAnth106 Lit Review1309 Words   |  6 PagesLiterature Review Main Article: The Advantage of Standing Up to fight and the Evolution of Habitual Bipedalism in Hominins Citation: Carrier, D.R. 2011, The Advantage of Standing Up to fight and the Evolution of Habitual Bipedalism in Hominins, PloS ONE, vol. 6, no. 5, May, viewed 5 September 2012, Web of Science Database. The aim of this study was to determine whether assuming a bipedal stance, will provide an advantage for striking with forelimbs. Results were determined through humanRead MoreLit review Essay718 Words   |  3 PagesManuel Rodriguez Professor Dr.Selitto Enc 1101 W50 2/18/2014 â€Å"Alone on the Hilltop† In Lame Deers story â€Å" Alone on the Hilltop† he recalls the moment in life when his first hanblechia occurred at the age of 16. The first scene begins on the hilltop where Lame Deer had been brought by Chest, the medicine man. Lame Deer has been left all alone on the hilltop for 4 days nights with no water or food. The only thing that he had with him where his star blanket which his grandmother had knittedRead MoreHr421 Lit Review626 Words   |  3 Pagesassigned duties. The following chapter, Chapter 9, discussed methods of employee development. This chapter covered current trends associated with formal education, effective development strategies, as well as how to design a development program. This review will focus specifically on mentoring, coaching and the benefits associated with each method of training. Mentoring and coaching both want to achieve the same goal, a productive, highly motivated employee for their organization. A mentorRead MoreWomens History Lit Review1872 Words   |  8 PagesNot From Without, But From Within A fresh, personal, bottom-up approach to the women’s labor movement in the early 20th century The article From the Russian Pale to Labor Organizing in New York City written by Annelise Orleck reveals how the working class immigrant community played a significant role in influencing women’s labor movements in the early twentieth century. Orleck maintains that as a result of their background, Jewish women had an experience in America different from most women. SheRead MoreSample Lit Review on Hypertension11736 Words   |  47 Pages2. Literature review This chapter reviews the literature on hypertension and hyperlipidaemia and their relation to risk factors including age, gender, genetics, diet and weight, alcohol, smoking, lack of activity and co-morbidity. 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Nationwide, 19% of girls were married by age 15, and 43% by age 182 (2003, NDHS)Read MoreLit Review on High Intensity Interval Training Essay1376 Words   |  6 PagesHigh intensity interval training (HIIT) is a new popular method of exercising that optimizes your workout by completing a series of short, high intensity exercise (90% of your maximum heart rate =220-age)., followed by longer, lower-intensity exercise (55 to 70 % of your maximum heart rate=220-age). High intensity interval training is said to be significantly more beneficial than other forms of cardiovascular workouts because it challenges the body differently and is more extreme then a moderate

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Rise of the Spring by Stravinsky Free Essays

I attended a symphony orchestra at Alexander Kasser Theater in Montclair State University on Wednesday, December 8th, 2010 at 7:30 pm. The program was approximately an hour and a half long, with two parts and a short intermission. The Rite of Spring (Le Sacre du printemps- 1913) by Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) was performed. We will write a custom essay sample on The Rise of the Spring by Stravinsky or any similar topic only for you Order Now There was an assortment of musical energy in parts of the first section of the symphony with a quantity of sections constantly changing rhythms. I really enjoyed the piece, it was not too long to become fed up with and distracted. Listening to the piece made me feel adventurous in some points; not knowing what could happen next, almost like to a movie. The Rite of Spring is a piece that tells a story, where in order for spring to rise, a young female must be chosen before the sage and dance to death. This piece is full of paradox, the music is incredibly dynamic, loud and soft, startling and delicate, and dark and it is extravagant. The Rise of the Spring is textured in its irregular time signatures and instrumental diversity (trumpets, flutes, clarinets, bassoons, string arrangements, etc. ). There was a percussive use of strings, halting rhythms, and also irregular meters. The first act began with an opening solo of the Bassoon. Later on, half of the Violas played in B Minor when the other half played B Major, then the trumpets enter, causing a dramatic importance in the piece. The tones bounced off each other, making it sound much alike harmonically. Those strings would play in a strict rhythm together, suddenly following up with French horns. After the horns and trumpet, the music stops, â€Å"the chosen one† of the piece must become the sacrifice. Those famous measures have eleven quarter notes playing that show the glorification of â€Å"the chosen one†. Every glorification of every measure is basically in a different meter, and it is quite challenging to play as I witnessed. The very last quarter of the piece signifies the moment of death, having the double bass play four different pitches at the same time. Whether or not it was intentional on Stravinsky’s part, the notes were in order of D-E-A-D. It sounds quite irregular but also entwined to make the piece sound superior, which is why Igor was very clever in his time to make such a deep piece here. Without hesitation, I would see another symphony similar to Stravinsky’s The Rise of the Spring. How to cite The Rise of the Spring by Stravinsky, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Code of Conduct Formulation for 7 Eleven

Question: Discuss about theCode of Conduct Formulation for 7 Eleven. Answer: 7 Eleven Code of Conduct The company Code of Conduct outlines the expectations of a company from its employees, their behavior towards other employees, the people they report to and in delivering their roles. At 7 Eleven our desire is to achieve 100% outcome and we ensure that employees receive complete freedom to express themselves as well as open communication within the organization however, the code of conduct of our company is a very essential subject and we expect every employee to follow them very seriously. Let us take a look at the Code of Conduct for 7 Eleven in the following section. Discrimination At 7 Eleven we strive to maintain equality at every level of the company. We believe that every individual is same irrespective of their religion, sexual orientation, gender, financial background, race or color and therefore create a favourable environment for every individual to grow with equal opportunities and equal rights. We are a multicultural and multi-ethnic company recruiting employees from different spheres of life. The company prides in itself for having employees across 10 nations across the globe in order to encourage multi-ethnicity culture. Any breach of such standards is highly unappreciated. We believe that showing any sort of discrimination within the company is legally unacceptable and will be strongly opposed and legally punished as well. The Company has an Anti-discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy, and every employee is expected to refer to them before they start working with the company. We are committed to following fair practices and opportunities for eve ry employee and ensure that people are not harassed within the work setting. Decisions in the case of recruitment and termination are purely based on business factors, for instance hiring an employee purely happen on the basis of their skills and qualification and not their color, nationality or sexual orientation etc; similarly, termination too happens on the same grounds. In addition we also ensure that none of our employees are verbally or physically abused on the basis of the above said differences. Employees are encouraged to report any form of harassment or discrimination within the company. (Infosys, n.d.) Exploitation 7 Eleven values its employees and wants to ensure that every employee is protected and taken care of therefore we strictly prohibit exploitation of our employees in any manner. Any kind of exploitation or uncanny behavior will not be tolerated by the company at any expense. It is the responsibility of the company to ensure a safe haven to its workers from physical, verbal, mental and emotional abuse of any kind in its premises. We understand that certain behavioral traits that may be causal among certain nationalities may not be acceptable at all among others and therefore we ensure that every employee respects ground rules regarding corporate relationship in the company. Any form of unacceptable behavior by an employee towards another especially those from opposite sex will be scrutinized and dealt with strictly; disciplinary and legal action will be taken against such employees or behavior. As a matter of fact we lay great emphasis on human rights as well and respect every individu als rights to privacy and life. Through every activity at 7 Eleven we ensure that there is no breach of human dignity through any of our activities (Tescoplc, n.d.). Corruption We as a company totally recognize the possibilities of corruption that can take place within the industry and we totally stand by our commitment to remain honest, fair and practice integrity in all our dealings. Maintaining reputation is a very essential aspect of our business and we ensure that the brand name is not compromised at any given point in time. We ensure corruption free environment by, Preventing corruption in any form or face As a result of our commitment we ensure that the company does not accept bribe in cash or kind. Our belief is that corporate bribery is an evil and creates unnecessary defamation to the company; it has the ability to destroy in a snap what took years to build and therefore we strictly follow this rule. Corruption hinders the growth of a company by jeopardizing their chances of doing fair and successful business. We believe that anyone who encourages bribing in the corporate sectors have not recognized the danger of doing so and falls prey to unnecessary problems. We at 7 Eleven is guided by the laws mentioned in the US Foreign Corruption Prevention Act and the Bribery Act 2010 in the UK. We agree that we will not provide any form of gift, any favor or any other sort of entertainment to any of our customers, government officials or the general public for the sake of retaining customers, influence them to make decisions in favour of 7 Eleven or achieve any kind of benefits as a result of it. We strictly avoid encouraging corruption in any of the following ways: Bribe Payment for facilitation Kickback Dishonest and Fraudulent Behavior We ensure that essential information of the company is not disclosed to the media or any other business firms and also encourage that disclosure of information be done in the most accurate manner about the company as possible. It is advised that every financial analyst inquiry as well as calls from the Press be transferred to the Corporate Communications Team who is best equipped in the matter. The company also prohibits posting messages or discussions on social media networking sites of any kind that can damage the image of the organization. Any comment or any implication with any hidden agenda will be strictly dealt with. Speaking on behalf of the Company in the public arena is also not allowed unless advised to do so by the Organizations Authorities. The Company also has their security control in place in order to ensure that there is no misuse of property rights, assets or any essential information. The Company also has Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement that every empl oyee is expected to read carefully and sign it, expressing their agreement with the companys policies in the matter. The company has stored a huge amount of customer information as well as important and confidential data of the company that is expected to deal with utmost care. Every information made available to the employees must be handled responsibly, and not disclose client information unless required by law or if the client has given it in writing to do so. Any leakage of information will be strictly punished by law. Whistleblower Protections According to the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, we as a Company give the right of authority to employees to disclose any information about the Company that he or she thinks is directly in opposition to law, failure of compliance to rules and regulations laid down by the Company or the State and no action will be taken against them by the Company or the federal government. The types of disclosures may be evidence of mismanagement or any form of wrongdoing, illegal activities, any action or any business plan that impacts the safety and health of the general public. (Tech Target, n.d.) Enforcement 7 Eleven is committed to providing the best to its customers as well as to their employees therefore the company may find it necessary to make improvements on the way we do business or change or add certain laws in order to operate effectively. In doing so our expectation is that employees recognize the need for such changes and cooperate with the company to abide by the new rules and regulations so that the company can continue to improve their services and work environment. These changes may be intimidated prior to its effect or may not be intimidated as well depending on the situation and laws. Therefore the employees working at 7 Eleven must always be ready to live by these standards and cooperate with the company at every step of the way. Ignorance will not be accepted as a reason for breach and therefore it I expected of every employee to frequently update themselves about the company laws which is updated on the company website from time to time. Disciplinary Actions In the event of constant or repeated failure to abide by company policies intentionally, the company will be forced to take disciplinary action against employees. The violations are as follows: Do not violate the code of ethics, laws and various policies of the company Provoke others to violate the laws or policies of the company Failure to manage the given responsibilities Failing to report any violation known to the employee Being involved in any kind of harassment on another employee Disclosing essential information of the company Discriminating based on gender, religion, sexual orientation or color Being casual with comments on any social media networking sites If you fail to cooperate with the company on an investigation or during an audit (Infosys, n.d.) The disciplinary actions that the employees will face at 7 Eleven are: Demoting Reprimanding Termination or suspension from work for a short period of time depending on the offense Detracting compensations for a definite period of time as well as indefinite (Workable, n.d.) References American Counselling Association. (2005). ACA Code of Ethics. Last Accessed 4th May, 2017. (1998). A Code of Ethics for People Working with Children and Young People. Ances. Available: Last Accessed 4th May, 2017. Department of Human Services Policy and Procedures. (2010). Provider Code of Conduct. Last Accessed 4th May, 2017. (n.d.). Code of Conduct and Ethics. Last Accessed 4th May, 2017. (n.d.). Corporate Ethics Code. Available: Last Accessed 4th May, 2017. (n.d.). Code of Conduct. Available: Last Accessed 4th May, 2017. (n.d.). Code of Ethics. Available: Last Accessed 4th May, 2017. (2016). Living our Purpose and Values. PwCs Code of Conduct. Last Accessed 4th May, 2017. (2017). Tata Code of Conduct. Available: Last Accessed 4th May, 2017. Tech Target. (n.d.). Whistleblower Protection Act. Available: Last Accessed 4th May, 2017. (2015). Our Code of Business Conduct. Tesco. Last Accessed 4th May, 2015. (n.d.). Sample Employee Code of Conduct Policy. Available: Last Accessed 4th May, 2017.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Role of the Governess in Jane Eyre free essay sample

Not Just a servant nor a Lady, a governess During the Victorian Times, being a governess was a good occupation for middle- class women who wanted to keep their status. To work as a governess was not an easy Job, but it was one of the few opportunities for women to get a Job. In the novel Jane Eyre, the role of the governess is well represented as Jane is humble and submissive, she has to teach and take care of Adele and her social status is above servants but below her master. To become a governess you had to be not only well educated, but also meek and obedient. These two characteristics were reflected in Jane Eyre as she never nswered in a rude way to Lady Ingram after her insults. Clearly, a governess had to do that and do not answer when they were treated badly because they status did not permit such behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of the Governess in Jane Eyre or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Even though Jane Eyre had a special personality, she received the insults in the way any governess would have received them. A governess was not a servant, nor a master. One of the problems that governesses had to face was their confusing social status because they were not considered servants but they were also below their masters. A governess had to share places with the servants but also hey could attend some family parties in which the other servants could not. Simply put, the governess had a unique status inside the house as there was no other who shared the same category than her. The main role of the governess was to teach and being caretaker of the children. Many families during the Victorian times preferred to have a governess to take care of the children and to teach them as well. It is for this reason that to become a governess you had to be well educated and to manage not only academic areas, but also abilities such as playing the piano, painting and knitting. The governess had also to take care of the children and becoming a second mother, giving them love and teaching them values as well. The boundary of the labor of a governess was not clear and it was up to the families. Some governesses had to be a mother for the children and some others had Just to teach them history or to paint. A governess used to teach languages, geography, music and drawing, but some of them had to teach morals and values as well. What a governess had to do depended basically on the families as they had to draw the line between what they wanted the governess to serve for. The salary of a governess was low and they did not have the chance to earn so much of it. A governess did not receive a lot of money but they did not have to spend any of it in food or to stay in the house, that is why the Job was worthy anyway. In Jane Eyre this situation is appreciated as she did not received a high salary for her Job which meant she did not have money to buy expensive clothing or Jewelry, that is why she looked as a humble woman. The low salary of the governess showed how undervalued was her role in the society. Clearly, education was a big concern in the Victorian times. However, they did not value the role of the educators as they did with the education itself. It is for this reason that the governess received a low salary and was not so different from the salary received by the servants. Governesses were always blamed to be ambitious and become a lady through their masters seduction. This the governesses were always trying to get a better status by winning their masters heart. This problem was presented in Brontes novel as well, through Lady Ingrams dislike with governesses because of this issue. Jane Eyre showed also that the love story between a governess and her master was possible. However, was not as easy as it was showed in the novel. Even though Jane Eyre reflected the personality of a governess, she got some characteristics that made her a special one. Clearly, Jane Eyre always was a person with an interesting personality and that fact was reflected in her Job as well. Miss Eyre was not Just a simple governess; she became her masters friend and eventually, his wife. To have a close relationship with the master was not as easy as it seems in the novel because normally the masters used to consider the governesses inferior and they barely got interested in them. Jane was a strong woman, with clear convictions and independent. These characteristics made Jane a peculiar governess who could touch her masters heart. This young governess was submissive when she felt it was not necessary to start a discussion. However, when she felt she had to be direct and say what she thought she did it without problems. For example, when Mr. Rochester asked her if he was handsome and she answered with an empathic no. The life of a governess was solitary and she did not have much contact with her family. This issue was one of the worst reasons to become a governess because she had to leave everything behind nd to start a new life in her new house. This situation was very sad because most of the governesses lost all the contact they had with their families as they did not have vacations or time to visit them. Jane is an example of the solitary life of a governess as she did not have friends and she could not make them because she spent all the time in Thornfield Hall. Brontes novel permits to have an idea of how the life during the Victorian era was, especially with the role of the governesses. I did not know much about what a governess had to do and how undervalued her Job was. I ould realize that this situation with the educators is not something new and that the governesses had to tolerate the underestimation of their labor as the same as teachers nowadays. Thanks to the novel I also could noticed that the life of a governess was not easy at all and some of them were treated in a very bad way and receiving a low salary for a huge labor and effort. Bibliography The Governess in Nineteenth-Century Literature. Enotes. Well, Erin. The governess and class prejudice Victorian web. 1993. http:// www. victorianweb. org/authors/gaskell/61 n_s7. html Stone, Alan A. Governing Passion. Boston Review.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Personal Observation of My Nephew essays

Personal Observation of My Nephew essays When we were kids we had it so rough. Everyday, we had to wake up early, go to school and learn new information that would help us through life. Sometimes after school we would come home and start our homework or watch television or even play with friends until our parents or guardians fixed us dinner. Yes our lives were so tough. Although I could not observe my nephew during school and daycare hours I observed him when he got home from day care. My nephew is seven years old and in the first grade. He his very tall and skinny - it runs in the family. He is laid back and even though he has a little brother, he stills enjoys playing by himself. He is a loner. He has his moments when he loves being outside, then he has moments when he likes to be inside. Honestly, he is spoiled and that is because he is the first grandson. His personality consisted of all of us wrapped in his body. Usually, my nephew gets home around 4:00-4:30 pm when the day care van drops him off home. He typically does his homework when he goes to daycare so when he does get home he can relax. When he gets home we ask him about his day at school and what he learned. He responds with "good"; he does not say much about what he learned. So then he takes off his school uniform. Where we are from the children have to wear uniform - usually black, blue, or khaki pants or shorts with a polo shirt which is the school colors. On this day my nephew wore his khaki shorts and a black polo shirt and black Nike's. He changed in to a white tee shirt and blue balling shorts. After he changed clothes he went into the living room and got he remote control. He changes the channel to Disney which had Phineas and Ferb playing. I think he loves this show because these boys is always doing something and never get caught by their parents. While that show was on commercial he went to his toy bend and got out o of his toy cars. He played with the car during the commer...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing - Case Study on Harly Davidson Motor Campany

Marketing - on Harly Davidson Motor Campany - Case Study Example The basic contention in creating a matrix is to evaluate available options in a quantitative manner. The provider with the greatest score in the rating matrix should automatically â€Å"win† unless there would be little point in creating a rating matrix. Rejection of results from the scoring matrix indicate that the team creating the matrix still has underlying reservations that are not being expressed positively for resolution. The composition of the rating matrix provided above encompasses all major concerns that Harley Davidson has to face in selecting an appropriate ERP provider. Furthermore, all major facets of the Harley Davidson team are included in the assessment team such as purchasing, finance, training etc. so there is little room for unaddressed concerns. Analysis of Harley Davidson’s original rating matrix in terms of provider scores shows that there is little difference introduced by using the additional weight criteria to the overall score of each provide r. The table below shows the comparison of the score percentage of each provider with and without the additional weight factor. Method Provider 1 Provider 2 Provider 3 Without Weight Factor 74 / 80 = 92.5% 69 / 80 = 86.25% 57 / 80 = 71.25% With Weight Factor 268 / 285 = 94% 244 / 285 = 85.6% 200 / 285 = 70.2% Based on the table presented above it can be seen that the rating matrix provides little difference with and without the weight factor. Hence, it could be conclusively argued that the rating matrix is a stable and representative method of choosing an ERP provider that reflects the aspirations of all participants from the Harley Davidson family. If asked to summarize my reasons for selecting an ERP provider for Harley Davidson, I would choose to clarify my choice based on the major selection factors outlined in the rating matrix. I would tell the senior executives that the provider was chosen to ensure sustainability of the ERP platform along with a high degree of flexibility fo r present as well as future operations. The primary concern in choosing the provider was seeing if the provider and Harley Davidson could accomplish a long-term working relationship. Additionally it had to be ensured that the ERP provider could understand the peculiar requirements of the Harley Davidson work environment that demanded a high degree of flexibility along with little interruption in operations as the implementation was undertaken. Another major focus in choosing the ERP provider was the method in which the provider dealt with implementation, education and change management methodology because Harley Davidson is about to undergo a major SMS change. Lessons learnt by the provider from prior experience would ensure that Harley Davidson’s transition from one set of business ideals and the supporting IT framework would be as smooth as possible. This in turn would ensure that Harley Davidson would lose as little value addition and money as possible during, after and in the longer run of the transition. Among other things, the secondary focus in choosing

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How Disrespecting Towards my Peers and Superiors does not Coincide Essay

How Disrespecting Towards my Peers and Superiors does not Coincide with the Army Values - Essay Example Respect is trusting that all people have done their jobs and fulfilled their duty† (U.S. Army n.d., par. 4). In this regard, the current discourse would present and acknowledge that I have imbibed how disrespecting towards my peers and superiors does not coincide with the army values. In the span of time spent serving the army, I observed that there are instances when my conformity to these core values are evidently tested. This would only affirm that people are not perfect; we are prone to make mistakes. Most of the time, these circumstances provide us with the opportunity to learn and appreciate our weaknesses and that we can address them and strive to improve in the process. For instance, some of my colleagues, fellow soldiers, or superiors could also be meeting some challenges that might make them prone to be overly sensitive or disconcerting of others’ behavior. As such, these trying situations could result to conflicts, miscommunication, or the inability to conform to the expected norm. In one’s perspective, there are some factors that were contributory to one’s untoward behavior that inadvertently resulted to disrespecting others (peers and superiors), and which were acknowledged to be contrary to the army values. These factors include personal concerns, family issues, external influences, and diversity in personal philosophies and values due to cultural orientation. As such, I know that having a bad day or feeling emotionally or psychologically upset would never justify disrespecting others. I regret having resorted to this behavior. I am still in the process of learning to strictly adhere to these core values and acknowledging this weakness was an important step. Concurrently, I strongly believe that apart from affirming these seven core values, I have realized that assuming a proactive stance in observing ethical, moral, and legal standards would assist in

Monday, November 18, 2019

Xi Chuan Earthquake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Xi Chuan Earthquake - Essay Example However, there are instances wherein big, catastrophic earthquakes hit the region. An example of which happened on May 12, 2008, 06:28:04 (UTC) wherein according to official reports, seventy thousand people were killed, three hundred seventy four thousand people were injured, and about seventeen thousand more were reported missing. (Chen, Qiao, and Liu 809) Compared to other natural calamities, earthquakes are close to impossible to predict. The fault lines may have been identified and mapped out but no one can really tell when a big earthquake will happen. These events can only be studied after they have already happened and the damages to property and the loss of lives have been done. If a catastrophe is defined as an event causing great and often sudden damage and suffering (Miriam Webster dictionary of the English Language) that definition is especially true for the earthquakes that plague the Xi Chuan region in the heart of mainland China. Houses were turned to mere rubble while the very foundations of old castles crack and give way to the power of nature. Unfortunately, in these display of nature’s power, human lives are also lost. Preventing mortality and too much loss in infrastructure led the Chinese to develop ways to hopefully predict when big, catastrophic earthquakes would strike and where. Although they failed in making an early warning system for earthquakes at that time, the ancient Chinese built the 1st rudimentary seismograph to be able to detect where in the realm an earthquake occurred so as to direct help there immediately (Weiland). The quest for an effective means to predict where and when strong earthquakes will occur is still the goal in China and the rest of the world nowadays, but fortunately there are many instruments, equations and programs available as well as volumes of seismic data that can give clues to the time and place these big earthquakes would hit. It is not merely the geologists’ and geophysicists’ jo b to make sure of the safety of the people and the reduction of the destruction on infrastructure. Scientists, policy makers, as well as the private sector need to work hand-in-hand to prevent further devastation caused by these types of calamities. Dynamic planning and effective implementation of different measures assure the safety of people living in these earthquake-prone zones. This study focuses on recent techniques and breakthroughs that have been and will be used in predicting the occurrence of strong earthquakes in the Xi Chuan basin region and then we will evaluate each strategy’s impact on the disaster planning and response of the area. Improvements in the early warning system technology is the key to reducing mortality and destruction of infrastructure caused by large earthquakes and the efficient dissemination of information will be the determinant to each stratagem’s effectiveness. This paper will also touch on the improvements on the policies that favor earthquake readiness and the level of implementation of these laws since the eight magnitude earthquake in 2008. Literature Review A brief history of the study of seismic activity in the Xi Chuan basic region was detailed in the study of Han and Jiang (231). The Xi Chuan – Yunnan and Xi Chuan – Quinghai area has been plagued with earthquakes historically due to its location within active faults. Records of big and damaging earthquakes were passed down from dynasty to dynasty until this present age. Although China had been a nation for

Friday, November 15, 2019

Run Time Adaptation of Service Feedback Control

Run Time Adaptation of Service Feedback Control Runtime Adaptation of Service With Feedback Control Self Optimization T.Priyaradhikadevi, R.Anandhi Abstract In a composite service which needs to be in uncertain and changing optimized environment which have service selection along with runtime adaptation. For maximum satisfaction for stakeholders quality and requirement needs for adapting composite services which responds to various environments. Service selection and business process for quality preference that made statistics during their design time. The proposed requirements driven self optimizing approach of such composite services measures its quality of service. The estimation of business tunes he preference for ranking the feedbacks detecting unexpected triggering of business values self optimization process. Process level configuration for modelling the configuration according to its mapping service level decision selections optimized and tuned for its quality of service. In our proposed model the process level preference based configuration of requirements ranks according to its goal configurations. The experimental study is use d to evaluate the proposed approach results indicating the new approach outperforms both fixed weighted and floating weighted service selecting approaches with respect to earning business value and adapting the flexibility. Keywords: Quality of service, self optimization, earning business value, service selection. 1. Introduction Architecture for service has emerging value of development and integration of business applications. In a service oriented system for development focusing the shifted customary application for designing the business process which selects and compose services for new business applications. Web services organizing integration for business process language used widely for specifying the business process for composite service rather than integration between composite services along with external web services. Functional requirement for business logic concerns with composite services should fulfil all the non functional concern for requiring quality of services. Composition of services that have uncertain and changing optimal configuration of business process which selects services that reflects decisions taken during design time. The reflected designs for self optimized service have some adapting runtime composite services in better way for meeting their overall quality of service requirement. Addressing the problems regarding composite services during their runtime adaptation for various service selection of different composition of approaches which is recently proposed with configuration of statistics business process. The set of abstract services have global approach towards its hybrid heuristics that have dynamic optimization of selected binding using their concrete services with each abstract service. Maximizing the usage of user objective is to satisfy the quality of service constraints which has user satisfaction which can have utility function for multiple weight assignment for criteria based on quality of service. Static decision approach based on various different preferences given for quality and business process made for design time which has weights for quality of service structures the business process used for selecting the service and compositions determines the design time which is static during runtime. During runtime these unchanged decisions used to make composite service which runs according to suboptimal manner. The betterment for optimization for entire stakeholder satisfying requirements with quality trade needed for adapting response to changing environment for system. High preference order process service for preventing risks requires the large amount for time and resource allocation for processing credit verifying the additional process. The response time for users is so long and they have to wait very patiently for their task to be accomplished. The process variability for activities having optional and alternate sub processes which often have various alternative business goal for quality of service requirements. Flexible accommodation of preference with different usage for quality of service requirements has taken risk for prevention of order processing. The order reconfiguration process skips temporary credit verification for improving the response time. The motivational service analyse the needed for required self optimizing composite services for dynamic quality services. The business value creation for adoption of stakeholders designing time that has runtime value based software engineering principles and practicing them. The emphasis is on incorporation of business values achieves the feedback controlling system. The self optimizing service technique for composite services that accounts for achieving business values which can be measured by transactions committed successfully. 2. Selection and composition for service The requirement driven value based idea for motivation for self optimizing approach for proposing the characteristics for composition of service have dynamic tradeoffs quality and support. The combination of runtime process for configuring the service that can have selection for various process requirements can provide them with resources. The values for business earned the reflection for runtime environment that satisfies the requirements of stake holders. Quality attributes measures and estimates earned business values having predefined value for our approach having dynamic quality tuning the rank preferences for different quality attributes that have control over feedbacks. The violation of business value ensures the detection of optimized preference rank process attributes systematically. The requirement configuration model based on preferences according to the quality of service requirement changes over the uncertain environment. The composite services always cannot run with optimal static configuration for business process along with selection of services. The existing stakeholders who are unsatisfied with the requirement driven approach has to be failed for selection of service and their composition which can have challenging problems. This can have many disadvantages for making business processes adaptable for runtime environment. The exponential for complexity in timing concerns. They do not have any satisfaction need with stakeholders responsibility. The static quality tradeoffs support the stakeholder for exponential time complexity. Overcoming the short comes of approaches propose the modelling of multi dimension problem have multiple choice having multiple constraints for optimal problems regarding path which leads to efficiency for heuristics. Hybrid approaches that finds nearest optimal solutions for end to end quality of service constraints that have local and global approaches. Figure.1 requirement driven and goal configuration based on value indicator. 3. Dynamic self optimization constraints All the hybrid approach for starting decompose which have end to end quality of service constraints that have local quality of service which can perform local selections. The approach that allows the quality of service weights for dynamic tuning that reflects dynamic quality tradeoffs uses the feedback controlling mechanism for achieving the runtime process adaptation for dynamic weaving for process. For motivating the dynamic quality for tradeoffs that can conduct maximized qualifiers for overall satisfaction for stakeholder requirements. Achieving the self optimization for composite services in which our proposed approach continuously seeks opportunities for improvising the earned business values. They can have maximized user satisfaction which can as well meet its quality of service requirements. The user satisfaction which can usually express the utility function for weighing various qualities of service criteria will be well fixed weight assignment of each quality of service criteria. The dynamically planned adaption service based on runtime requirement models for dynamic self optimization. For achieving the self optimization for overall composite services that maximizes the value propositions for multiple kinds of stakeholders. For optimizing the customer details should be entered in customer registry and once if the details are entered and submitted then they will be stored in database of stakeholders. They can be accessed using username and passwords which can also be used for updating and editing for details entered and stored. The customers should select their required product in self driven optimizing approach they can use the category or product name. If the product is available then they should choose the option for payment. Whether they should pay using credit or debit card. They also help in suggesting the alternate products which are not available in stock. After this process the bank transaction details of the customer should be rendered and they provide the feedbacks about their services. The approach for formulating the value for validating main threats which can capture the changes along with change of business strategies emphasize the guidance for online analytical processing. The large amount of business data can have composite service over the online analytical processing which can provide predictive analysis for validation and mapping of business processes. Dynamic runtime processing for business configuring the rare address faces different challenges according to their stake holder requirements. Self adaptive requirements based on system increasingly run under poor environment. The goal oriented requirements for widely used methods used in olden days. They are modelled and the intentions used for capturing and satisfying the requirements between the agents for exploring the alternate ways. Variable system used for processing runtime goals can be configured processes with regular credit verification such as checking the purchase and ordered things list the total number of products ordered and quality verification along with credit details verification. The evaluation and effectiveness for composite service approach having applications over real time applications required for evaluation of feasible that can guarantee the self improvement. The earned business values can be better or worse for depending on factors specifying the applications for number of process variations. There are different single and double approaches for hard perspectives for competitive selections during runtime. They are not superior or inferior static single approach which can totally have optimization for business values which is really harder. The composite service can optimally design strategies for new service optimization failure with new process configuration. 4. Conclusion In our proposed approach of requirement driven self optimizing approach we can combine the composite service for having process reconfiguration of high level and low level selection of service based on flexible adaptations. Then it supports dynamic quality tradeoffs for reflection of changing environments employs feedback controller that tunes the preference ranks for relevancy of attributes regarding quality. The earned business value having objective that can be triggered using self optimization techniques can be self optimized. The value formula for stakeholder requirements defines current business strategies for order processing service focuses directly on profits obtained from successful experience and feedback systems. The services for processing orders that have fixed weights and having flexibility demonstrate the performance adaptation for acceptable overhead for process reconfiguration which can select service accordingly. The integration rendered has to be variable with adv ancement of flexible mechanisms that can be achieved more flexible process variability having definitions and adaptations which validates their feasibility. References [1] V. Cardellini, E. Casalicchio, V. Grassi, F. 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Anandhi has finished her B.Tech (IT) and at present she is pursuing M.E. (CSE) in Mailam Engineering College, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, India. Her research interests lies in the areas of Mobile Computing, Data Mining, Cloud Computing and Software Engineering. T.Priyaradhikadevi has completed her M.Tech (IT) and now pursuing her Phd. Currently she is Head Of the department in Computer Science and Engineering at Mailam Engineering college,Villupuram , Tamil Nadu, India. She has attended many national and international conferences in several colleges. She organized many technical symposiums, workshops and seminars.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Numerberg Trials: A Victors Justice :: essays research papers fc

The Numerberg Trials Were Unfair   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After World War II, the victorious Allies decided to hold a trial for the defeated Nazis. These trials lasted from November 20, 1945 till October 1, 1946. Although the victors claimed that they would give the accused a fair trial, upon closer inspection we can see that in reality, these trials were biased and were a â€Å"victor’s justice.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the war, each of the Allies leaders had their own idea for how they should deal with the Nazi’s. Stalin suggested that they should have trials, but here everyone is guilty and afterwards is shot. What then would be the point of having a trial then? It would just appear as a ‘play’ before they would perform their actual intentions. He may have suggested this also so that he could say that they were fair because they gave them a trial-but what sort of trial? Churchill even said that they should just be lined up and shot. If the leaders of the Allies were saying such things, how could we even expect the trials to be unbiased then? Each allied country had its own persecutors. All the judges at the trials came from the victorious countries as well. Most of the judges were American or Russian.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the trials, the Americans put American justice over International Justice. It was wrong and unfair however to do such a thing because those who were guilty didn’t even come from the United States? Since the trials were supposed to be international in scope, they shouldn’t be following the justice of one country, but rather international justice. Although the Americans were applying â€Å"American justice† to the trials, they didn’t even follow their constitution while doing so. The US constitution states that laws cannot be made post-facto, but in Nuremberg, they created these laws (for example, crimes against humanity, and waging aggressive war) after the Germans had â€Å"committed† them. It is wrong however to charge defendants with crimes that didn’t exist in anyone’s books at the time they were committed. Although some might say that these crimes are â€Å"common knowledge,† they may in fact be on ly common knowledge to you. Not everyone in the world views things in the same way you might. John F. Kennedy even said about the Nuremberg trials that â€Å"The Constitution was not a collection of loosely given political promises subject to broad interpretation. It was not a list of pleasing platitudes to be set lightly aside when expediency required it†¦[and] discard these Constitutional precepts in order to punish a vanquished enemy.